Sunday, December 16, 2007


1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.


Will it be ok?
The man comes around
(Hmm. Lite tvetydigt.)

How are you feeling today?
Pig Latin
(True dat!)

How do your friends see you?

Houses of the holy
(Tror jag knappast iofs)

Will you get married?
(Antagligen inte)

What is your best friend's theme song?

What is love
(Ha ha, jag förstår jag förstår!!)

What is the story of your life?
How do

What was high school like?
(Jupp, spaced stämmer utmärkt)

How can you get ahead in life?

She's like heroin
(Är hon? Vem?)

What is the best thing about your friends?
Climbing up the walls

What is tonight going to be like?
The nurse who loved me
(Ja fi fan.)

What is in store for the reminder of this weekend?
Mrs Robinson
(hemmakväll ensam alltså)

What song describes you?
(Tja, ibland så)

How is your life going?

(Så sant igen.)

What song will they play at your funeral?

I of the mourning
("Radio play my favourite song")

How does the world see you?
Cornflake girl
(Jase, det är säkert korrekt)

Will you have a happy life?
(Det förstod man ju redan)

What do your friends really think of you?
The boy's republic
(Pojkens regering)

Do people secretly lust after you?
Three Boys
(Tar det som ett nej, andra tolkningar är otäcka)

How can you make yourself happy?

Ett tidsfördriv att dö för
(Måste hitta nåt bra då.)

What should you do with your life?
Tusen dagar härifrån
(Tusen dagar? Shit det är tre år.. Ska jag vänta eller bli gud under tiden?)

Will you ever have children?

Don't fall in love
(Låter inte som det tyvärr)

What song describes you?
Ocean breathes salty
(Ligger nog nåt i det)

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